Monday, May 24, 2010

Trip to CO and Mother's Day

We made a quick trip to CO to celebrate my brother, Greg's, graduation from CU. We missed the actual graduation because we couldn't leave until Nate finished his classes, but we made it for the party and got to see lots of family. It was great because my dad and step-mom made the trip from CA, my grandma from AZ (who had never met Alli) made it, and my aunt from AZ also made it. Somehow I ended up with no pictures of my brother, or the party, or my mom and step-dad, but here are some that we DID take! :)
Hannah climbed this big rock at a playground in Ft. Morgan. The trip there was REALLY long and we all needed a break from the car! I love everything about Ames, except that it is even farther away from CO!

Nana, Papa, and Great-Grandma!

Swimming at the hotel

Allison and great grandma!

We also spent Mother's Day in CO. After church we headed over to see the temple and they had the gates open. It was a perfect day, but Allison fell asleep in the car. So we have some pictures without her!

A lovely picture that Nate took...I figure I better post it since I don't think I've posted a picture of my growing belly yet. Not too much longer!

My girlies in their adorable new dresses! Thank you, Brenda!

Our family!

Planting flowers with daddy.

Allison is helping...

and helping some more! I'm sure I will have more than enough help from her when the new baby comes!


Every year Iowa State has a big celebration. It is called VEISHEA, which stands for the 7 original colleges on campus. It is a week long event with tons of food and activities going on around campus. It all ends on a Saturday with a parade and tons of stuff for the whole family! We had lots of fun. Checking our the calves. Alli loved them, but was super startled when they "mooed"

Allison concentrating on her ice cream before the parade.

Waiting for the parade to start.

Posing with the red and yellow (ISU colors) tulips.


Here are a few pictures from our Easter adventures... Our Easter eggs

Visiting Grandma Pat

What a cutie!

Allison, Grace, and puppy Zoe

The Easter egg hunt!