Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa at the Country Club

Last night was family night at the Country Club and Santa made an appearance! Last year Santa made Hannah cry. She did a little better this year, she sat on his lap, but wouldn't look at him. We had been practicing what she was going to tell him. She decided that she would tell him she wanted a "toy" whatever toy that is, who knows, but she wouldn't talk to him when the time came! Oh well, we got a few pictures anyways!

Decorating cookies!
Eating more frosting than is getting on the cookies!

Hannah being might recognize the headband from an earlier picture (on Allison's head!) Hannah LOVES her daddy!
If you look really close, Alli's tooth is in there! (on the bottom)
Hannah thought she needed to be in a picture, too, so we posed by the Christmas tree!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Like everybody else this time of year, we have been so busy. We had a great Thanksgiving. We celebrated at Nate's oldest brother Ben's brand new townhome in Des Moines. I think it would have scared me to have a whole bunch of kids running around, but it worked out well and we had a great time! Hannah loved playing with the aunts uncles and her cousins! Allison also got her first tooth! Thanksgiving day it poked through, I think she must have been hoping for some turkey! I'll get pics when it is a little more visible. Unfortunately, Hannah also came home with pink eye :( which stated our not so very fun past week!

Hannah got pink eye, then the girls and I got a bad cold, then Alli got pink eye (despite crazy hand washing and cleaning of blankets, towels, etc) and then yesterday Alli got another tooth! So our past week has consisted of staying at home (to try and not infect everybody else), not sleeping enough, and listening to lots of whining and crying. Luckily Nate's not so busy at work, so I have been able to stay sane! Yesterday we were finally all feeling better. It is amazing how big a difference that makes!

Here are a few pictures of poor Allison...I do try and wipe her eyes off, but it doesn't help for long!

And here is Hannah wearing her new favorite footwear! These are some boots we picked up at the second hand store and she wants to wear them ALWAYS! She calls them her "winter boots." They light up when she walks and she wants to show everybody!

And last but not least...Hannah and Alli have a brand new cousin! Nate's sister Tiff had a baby boy yesterday morning. Calvin Jay (at least that's what they think they are naming him, but plan on calling him CJ.) Hopefully we can squeeze in a trip to Des Moines to see him before we head to CO next week!