Sunday, March 24, 2013

Star of the Week

Allison was the Star of the Week for her class the first week in March.  She was able to bring in something to share with her class and she chose to bring her sisters! She felt pretty special having visitors in her class and being able to tell all her friends about her family. After hearing how Allison got to share her sisters, Hannah thought she needed to share her sisters with her 1st grade class as well. So the week after we visited Allison we also got to make a trip to visit Hannah. I managed to get a few pictures from Allison's school, but not Hannah's.  Somehow trying to get 3 kiddos instead of 2 kiddos in and out of the school building without causing too much of a scene made me forget! :)

My baby

Just a few pictures of Emma from the last 2 months because we love her SO much!

Cyclone Fans

Since we live in Ames, we have to be Cyclone fans, right? This winter we've been enjoying some of the Iowa State athletics. We all went to a gymnastics meet (and enjoyed the ice cream!), Hannah and Nate went to a basketball game, and then Emma accompanied mom and dad on a lunch and basketball date. Go Cyclones!

 We had to get pictures with Cy!

Emma thought Cy was pretty interesting.
 After the gymnastics meet was over we got all of their autographs.

And this gymnast's name is Camille!  So we had to get a special picture with her :)

Hannah's basketball date w/ daddy.

Emma's basketball date w/ mommy and daddy.

Emma Eats!

Can you tell that this little cutie-pie has been enjoying some real food?

Valentine's Day

Mostly this is a post to share that 2nd picture.  Sometimes eating too much candy is HARD WORK!

Bethany Manor

On Martin Luther King Day the city of Ames organized a day of service.  Our family headed to a nearby nursing home called Bethany Manor to play games with some of the residents. There were a few other families from church there as well and all of the kids thought it was a great time!  The residents really enjoyed it, too!


This is the 2nd year Nate played in an Inter-Faith basketball league over the winter. He had a bit more fun this year as his team actually won more games than they lost (unlike last year!) The games are all in the evening (7pm or later) and with the girls starting bedtime at 7, we didn't have much chance to see him play.  For his last 7pm game, we decided to take everybody to cheer, and we weren't the only family there.  The girls had tons of fun cheering for dad and their friends' dads.

Because daddy has been spending time playing basketball, they girls have been excited about basketball as well.  Apparently Hannah can jump really high! :)


Mid-January we celebrated cousin Tate's 1st birthday and had ALL the cousins together!

And the silly one :)
Our not-so-great attempt at getting a picture of the babies! Not much cooperation!
Tate, Emma, and Corbin
My girls! All ready for church and a birthday celebration.

Ice Skating

LAST summer the girls participated in the library's summer reading program and could either earn a pass to the library's pool party or a pass to the ice arena. We had a ward temple trip scheduled the day of the pool party, so we ended up with the wonderful opportunity to go ice skating (insert a bit of sarcasm here).  The girls thought some of their time was great, but trying to manage 4 little girls on ice skates when only one of them is really competent is just a bit tricky! Hannah had fun the whole time.  Allison enjoyed it once she got a push cart. Free skate was during Camille's nap time (she looks happy in these pictures...they were during the first 30 minutes of us being there :) Emma was not phased one bit by the whole ordeal! Maybe we will try again, in a few years or with more helpers!

Emma thought ice skating was great fun, can you tell?
We have a great daddy!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Flash Lightning

We have a puppy! Flash Lightning was born on November 30, 2012.  Nate's parent's dog, Sadie, had puppies...and so now we have a dog :) 
Sadie and her puppies. Flash is the tan one.

Picking ONE puppy was a difficult task.  Each girl had a different puppy picked out, but we only needed one! Sorry girls! :)

Bringing Flash home. January 18, 2013

Flash is making himself right at home.  He did a great job with housebreaking (which was a relief!), but he is still a PUPPY and is learning to use his mouth and teeth the right way. The girls are loving having him around...can you tell!?!?

6 Months for Emma

 With the beginning of the year, Miss Emma also turned 6 months old. She LOVES to fact she has decided that her tummy is NOT the place to be and will rarely stay there. She is also just learning to sit unassisted. Her toes are her new favorite toy. She is still so happy and easy-going.  She is also still a GREAT night-time sleeper. We all love her so much! :)