Sunday, June 9, 2013

End of School

These girls are getting so big! In the fall Hannah will be in 2nd grade and Allison will be in Kindergarten.  Here are pictures from their last days of school:

Reiman Gardens

Our membership to Reiman Gardens expired at the end of May and we didn't renew because of the move.  We had to go visit one last time.  Just one more thing we will miss about Ames...

While we were there we found a nest of baby rabbits.  The girls thought it was pretty great to see them!

Messy baby!

This little silly enjoys eating!  Can you tell?

Zoo Field Trip

Nate chaperoned Hannah's field trip to the zoo this year. Good thing he is used to girls...he had a group full of them!

Hannah and Anna

Hannah and Elizabeth

Hannah and Daddy :)

The groups of girls!

The peacock didn't mind all of the giggly girls!

The New House!

So after deciding that we just weren't going to find "the perfect house" and that we should just rent with the plan to build, we found it! Well, I should say that I found it online and sent Nate to look at it. Then we made an offer and had the house under contract before I even saw it! Good thing he knew what he was looking for! We close at the end of June and are excited to be moving closer to Nate's work.  More daddy time!!! Here are a few pictures:

View out the back.  The house backs up to an open space park that has a trail and creek running through it. You can hop on the trail two houses down and we think it will be great for the kiddos! you SEE all of that counter space!? Maybe it will help cut back on the "I'm helping mom!" fighting since there will be space for them ALL to help! :)

Alli's School Picnic

To wrap up the year at Allison's school there was a family picnic. It involved a bouncy house/obstacle course, hot dogs, chips, cookies, etc. Hannah was bummed she had school and couldn't make it. Notice how you don't see Allison in any of the pictures, she was pouting! Allison's friend Ally stepped in to take her place in the picture :)

Hannah's 1st Grade Concert

In mid-May Hannah had her 1st grade music concert.  Here she is all ready for the event! Can you find her striped dress in the bottom 3 pictures? This year she sang in a small group for the "Apple Tree" song. 

House Hunting is Stressful!

In all of this crazy new job stuff, our house sold before we even got it on the market.  It is a good thing, but it was hard to convince myself of that when we had no place to move TO. Luckily (or not) we are moving only about an hour away.  Which means that we made several trip to look at houses, but also meant that we tried to squeeze trips in here an there when we had a half a day. Below is the resulting craziness of one such hurried day. Me trying to hurry home before Hannah gets off the bus from school, my gas light turns on just after Ankeny (which is the last real place before Ames and I didn't want to turn around because I was already running behind), and it was crazy hot (101 in mid May?)! As I pulled into the gas station (the very first one I could get to!) we were at 0 miles to empty. I plan to never do that again....stressful!!!! I guess house hunting would be less stressful if we weren't so picky, but I know what I don't want in a house :)

Enjoying Our Yard...WE WILL MISS IT!

May 6th Nate started a new job in Grimes, IA, so we will be moving yet again! We are trying to enjoy all of our time in our yard.  We sure will miss it!

Do you see her two little teeth?

Allison's favorite spot: the sand box!

My Monkey!

Our church owns a big chunk of land about 20 minutes from our home that is used for scout camps and girl's camp over the summer. It is also available for anybody to use for fun when it isn't already in use. The last weekend in April be headed to Bear Creek for a day with some friends.  There is a rope swing...which apparently is also a climbing rope if your name is Hannah! Can you see that crazy girl in the black shirt WAY up in the air? 


VEISHEA 2013 was the first nice, sunny day of the year! We had so much fun at the parade, eating cherry pies and doughnuts, watching magic shows, playing games, etc. We were able to watch the parade with a number of friends from church: the Whites, Rawlins, and McClellans. Look at all of the sweet little girls!

Thanks Okiishi's for the picture from the parade float :)

Baby Carriers

At Easter Camille got a toy baby carrier that matches one we use for Emma. Don't ask her if she has a back pack..."it is a CARRIER," she will tell you! One day Hannah had off of school she decided that if Camille got to carry a baby around, she needed to also! Here are my cute girls.  Love them!

PJ Party

In April our family attended a pajama party at Allison's preschool. Each classroom had different activities that were based off of a children's book. We had to visit Hannah's old preschool teacher Ms. Suzanne first. There we decorated cupcakes for the book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake. Then we headed to see Alli's teacher Ms. Jill. There the girls worked hard creating things from boxes based on the book Not a Box. Allison enjoyed having her family at school!

A Girl and her Dog

Camille and friends!