Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hannah's Kindergarten Concert

May 17 was Hannah's Kindergarten Concert.  All of the Kindergarten classes from Gilbert Elementary School held a performance to show the parents what they had learned in their music class over the year. Hannah had two "solos" she told us.  The first one she danced out in front with Dennis from her class to the song Yankee Doodle with a few other pairs of students.  The second one really was a solo.  In the song "Down By the Bay" she sang "Have you ever seen a pig wearing a wig..." but she was the first one on that song and somehow the microphone got turned off! So we couldn't hear her, but then her music teacher stopped everybody and started them over so that Hannah could re-do her part.  She did a great job X2! Hannah was pretty excited about the whole event!

So excited!
Mrs. Brown is telling everybody about the program, and Hannah is standing next to her friend Adi.

And this was our view for most of the program...Hannah with the sun directly in her eyes!

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