It is hard to believe that this little munchkin is 4 months old already!
Emma continues to be the best baby EVER. I'm hoping that doesn't mean we are in for trouble as she gets older, but rather that she continues to be happy, patient, and so wonderful to be around.
At her 4 month check-up she weighed 14lbs. 13 oz (56%) and was 25 1/2 in. (84%)
She has perfected the shriek because you have to be LOUD to be heard, apparently.
Her latest trick (as of Nov. 11) is that she can roll over from her back to her tummy.
Her new favorite thing: her thumb! She is definitely not interested in a pacifier, but her thumb is pretty much permanently stuck in her mouth these days. It is stressing me out a bit...I know how to be done with a pacifier when the time comes, but I've never had a thumb-sucker before. I am sure we will manage! It is pretty cute though :)